Middle School Newsletter October 3rd 2022

As I mentioned last week I am going to periodically highlight our Graduate Aims this year. Our goal is that all students are Academically Skilled, Curious, Empowered, Emotionally Intelligent and Appreciative of Differences. 

This week teachers will be administering the DESSA. The DESSA is a strengths-based social and emotional needs screener that we administer 3x per year to identify students in need of social/emotional support and these students' specific strengths and opportunities for growth.  Social emotional learning screening is critical because it helps identify students who are in need of support but do not communicate that need through externalized behaviors.  In addition, it helps identify student strengths which are then used as a jumping off point for instruction.  Teachers and counselors will then be able to provide students with whole group, small group and individual instruction based on their DESSA rating. 

The skills we want our students to build competency in are shown in the diagram below. 

The DESSA is one of many resources we utilize so that we can build skills within our students so that they are able to identify, express and manage their own emotions in challenging situations. If you would like further information on the DESSA please don’t hesitate to reach out.

I hope each of you have a wonderful rest of your week and a relaxing fall break! 



314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org  

Meet Your Middle School Support Staff

Hello, I’m Christine Victor and I am a reading specialist at PCS. I have been teaching since 2000, and at PCS since 2008. Our facility dog, Sabrina lives with me and my family. I earned my BA in Elementary Education from University of Missouri in 2000. I also earned a Masters in Educational Technology as well as a Masters in Reading, both from Webster University. I grew up and went to highschool in the St. Louis area. When I’m not at school you can find me reading a book, hopefully poolside or at my favorite place, the beach! My husband, ten year-old daughter, and I love to travel and spend time outside. I am excited to be back at school to see so many of my favorite people and meet a lot of new people for the 2022-2023 school year. You can reach me at cvictor@premiercharterschool.org and/or ext. 436.  

Hi, I’m Carly McAdams-Velten (Mrs. McV), and I am a Literacy Coach at PCS. This is my first year as a literacy coach, and I will spend much of my time helping to support our teachers in growing and developing their craft. However, I will still pop into classrooms from time to time! I earned my BA in English from Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and I hold a MA in Teaching from Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Outside of school, I enjoy hiking and walking around St. Louis neighborhoods with my husband and my one year old son. Tower Grove Park is one of our favorite places! I’m glad to be back at school and to see so many smiling faces in the halls! You can reach me at cmcadams@premiercharterschool.org and ext. 448.  

Hi, I’m Christy Wohlgemuth, and I am the Math Instructional Coach at PCS. This is my 23 year at PCS, and I’ve loved every minute of it! I’ve taught grades 4, 6, and 7, and have been a coach for 7 years working with grades K-8. I work with the teachers at PCS on data, planning units and lessons, assessments, and best practices in the classroom. With the help of the middle school student planning committee, I also plan our Veterans’ Day Assembly, the Spring Peace Rally, and Multicultural Fair. I coach our 1st and 3rd year teachers and work on Federal Programs. 

My husband of 22 years and I have two beautiful daughters, one graduate of PCS, and one current middle schooler. We have two dogs and 1 cat, and live in Illinois. 

I love working with the amazing kiddos, families, and staff at PCS and I’m excited for another year! 

You can reach me at cwohlgemuth@premiercharterschool.org and ext. 450. 

Hi, I am Michelle Reddic and I am the Character, Empowerment, Equity and Inclusion Coach at PCS. I have been working at PCS for the past 20 years!  I have taught 5th, 6th and 8th grade and this is my first year out of the classroom. In my new position, I will mentor new teachers and help ensure that our curriculum is inclusive. I am also one of the planners for the Middle School Trip this year.  In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling and watching sports & movies. Besides keeping up with our three PCS graduates, my husband and I celebrated 25 years of marriage this year! I thoroughly enjoy the family vibe at PCS with our staff and students.  It keeps me coming back every year! You can reach me at mreddic@premiercharterschool.org or at ext 445

Hi, I am Jackie Gianino and I am the ELL Specialist for Middle School at PCS. This is my 12th year at my second home, PCS. I received a BS in Elementary Education and Special Education from Fontbonne University as well as a MA in Secondary Education with an emphasis in TESOL from UMSL. On a typical school day, you will see me in sixth, seventh and eighth grade classrooms working as a co-teacher to provide language accommodations alongside curriculum instruction. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with family, listening to music and baking cookies. You may also find my husband and me chasing our three little ones or walking our dog, Sonny. As I mentioned before, PCS is my second home. This place really is special! So happy to kickstart another year with our wonderful teachers, students and families. Welcome back! You can reach me at jgianino@premiercharterschool.org or ext 446.

Hi, I’m Keely Cox, and I’m a Project Based Learning Coach at PCS. This is my first year in this position, but my 10th year at PCS. I’ve spent time in 2nd, 3rd, and 6th grade. While I don’t have my own classroom anymore, I’m thrilled to still have the opportunity to spend time in the classrooms of the teachers I’ll be supporting. I will be working closely with teachers and supporting them as they develop, plan, and implement projects for their classrooms. I’ll also be working with our new teachers to mentor and support them through their first year teaching.  When I’m not at school, I love spending time with my family. My husband and I are very busy chasing around our 1 year old son, but wouldn’t have it any other way. I also enjoy cooking, gardening, reading, going on walks (especially with our dog, Basil), and catching up on my favorite shows! 

I’m so excited for the new year and the new possibilities that come along with it. Welcome back everyone!

You can reach me at kcox@premiercharterschool.org or ext 316.

Library News:

The Fall Book Fair is just around the corner! Our fair runs from Tuesday, 10/25-Thursday 10/27Tafter school and during conferences. See the flyer attached for book fair hours.

 Can't make it to the fair? Students may shop during the school day starting Thursday 10/20. Sign up for an ewallet account (see the flyer below) or send money in an envelope marked with your child's name and the amount enclosed. Don't forget to include tax! You can also shop the online book fair at bit.ly/bookfairpcs.

 We need volunteers! Sign up to help with set up, previews, book fair nights, or pack up here.


Middle School Parents,

We would love for you and your students to come and support the PCS Middle School Boys Soccer Team this season. In order to make this a great season we have some expectations, we would like the students to follow while attending the games on campus. The PCS staff have talked with all middle school students during their community time about these expectations. We would greatly appreciate it if you could also review our expectations with your middle school student if they plan on attending a soccer game or any PCS sporting event. 

Expectations of the Students 

The PCS staff are allowed to ask a student to leave the premises if they are out of line with any of the following expectations.

  • When school is over, all students should leave the campus (at dismissal) and ONLY return when it is time for the scheduled game. Students should not be roaming around campus.

    • When returning, students should enter the soccer field at the Early Childhood Building gate

  • When the game is over students should leave campus through the Early Childhood Building gate. They are not allowed to hang around or roam the campus. Students must be picked up in a timely manner.

  • Students attending the game should be sitting in the student section (on the big hillside behind the goal) unless they are sitting with their parents in the family/visitor section.

  • Students should be respectful to each other and the visitors from the visiting team.

  • Students should not be using foul or threatening language.

  • Students should not be antagonizing the visiting team or their spectators.

  • Students should not be throwing anything at any of the players. 

  • Students should pick up any trash they bring to the game.

  • Students should remain dressed and fully clothed while on school grounds.

  • If the students play music it should be appropriate for families.


Josh Lydon 

Upcoming Dates:

  • October 6-10- No School Fall Break

  • October 11-Family Night-Smoking Barrels 

  • October 13- Picture Day

  • October 19-End of Quarter 1

  • October 22- Fall Festival

  • October 24-27- Book Fair

  • October 26 & 27- Conferences

  • October 27- Noon Dismissal

  • October 28- No School


Kim Wright M.Ed. LPC, RPT

Middle School Principal


Supporting the curious and empowered learner since 2000

National School of Character


Elementary Newsletter October 11th 2022


Elementary Newsletter October 3rd 2022