Board & Financials

Board Meeting Information

All board meetings begin promptly at designated time and are held in person in the Building C Conference Room unless otherwise stated.

For those unable to attend in person, board meetings are live streamed via Zoom.

General Board Meeting Agenda:

1. Review and Approve Agenda

2. Approve Minutes of Prior Meetings

3. Officer/Committee Reports

4. Old Business

5. New Business

6. Future Meetings

7. Open Forum

- Presenters are required to sign the open forum log prior to the meeting being called to order. Each presenter will have 2 minutes to address the Board. Presenters will be expected to follow the Rules of Order.

8. Executive Session (Closed Meeting)

9. Return to General Session

10. Adjournment

24-25 Board Meeting Schedule

Thursday, September 19th | 4:30pm

Thursday, October 17th | 4:30pm

Thursday, December 12th | 4:30pm

Thursday, January 30th | 4:30pm

Thursday, April 3rd | 4:30pm

Thursday, May 8th | 4:00pm