Middle School Newsletter - May 24th, 2021

Last Friday I am so thankful that we were able to celebrate the Class of 2021. While it looked different than any other graduation ceremony, I have to say it was the perfect ending to this unprecedented year. As we say goodbye to the 2020-21 school year I find it fitting for our student’s voices to be the last ones heard. I really encourage you to take a few minutes to hear what our graduates had to say about their time at PCS.

Isabella Alamo

"There are no regrets in life — just lessons."  Jennifer Aniston. We’ve learned plenty over the last 8 years, like how making mistakes leads to brain development and that some things don't go as expected, that we need to go along with it. For example, how the pandemic disrupted our 7th grade year and took over our 8th grade year. It’s been a crazy year and a half though huh? This pandemic may have impacted how we do things and continue on with life but do you know what hasn’t changed with everything going on? Our individuality, our uniqueness, our creativity as young adults leaving the end of middle school. We, as 13-14-15 year old students are making the next big step into becoming more independent and experienced in this crazy world. I know it won’t be easy, that it will be scary at times, but you know what? Why should it matter that it’s scary? As long as you put your mind to it and take the next best step, you can overcome anything that is thrown in your way. We can’t grow without stepping out of our comfort zones and making that choice, that decision to fail. Like all of our teachers have said, “You can’t learn without making mistakes.” right? Now I’m not implying to go...crash a car or anything, goodness no, but I am saying that if you want to do something, go for it, and if you aren’t able to do it, be glad that you tried, that you put in your best effort and walked away feeling more accomplished than when you went in. However, if you do succeed, then you’ll feel that accomplishment and be proud of yourself for carrying through with something that was hard to do in the first place. Now I know most of us are socially awkward teenagers still learning who we are and how we want our lives to go, which makes sense, but remember this, while you’re finding who you want to become, don’t forget who you already are and who you were before, so you’re able to look back at the person you were and reminisce happily. So...while we have the time, have fun, explore who you are, stand out, and remember, “wear your seatbelts-”

Tristan Santoya

Have you thought of what the future holds? If not, then that is okay, but if so, then the future can be bright. Today is an important day in our young lives, and on this day, we graduate from the trials of our current lives. As we go into high school, we will encounter many tribulations that will test our character and resilience. 

If we fail the test, then our likelihood of succeeding is low, but if we pass, then we will be prepared for more tribulations, and passing will be a piece of cake. If we want to succeed, then giving up is not an option. The only option is to persevere and never give up. Our present will affect our future, but our future affects the outcomes of our lives.

As we go into the next chapter in our lives, one thing remains: what does your future hold? The answer may depend, but the answer can be of your choice. We have our whole lives ahead of us, and only we can choose what we do with them. If we make the right choices, we will grow as people, and we will benefit in the long run. We will go through hard times as the days go on, but we will not ultimately fail if we persevere through tough times and keep going. 

The world's problems will be no match for us, and we can overcome slim odds if we put in the hard work and determination. When we exit our current stage of life and go on to the next chapter, we will remember one thing: never give up, no matter what. Remember, trials and tribulations can do nothing permanent to our lives, and they are no match for human resilience. We will never let catastrophes take control of our lives, and we will always keep going.

As we exit one chapter and move on to another, we will remember that perseverance is vital, and resilience is deep down inside us. Once we figure out what we want to do, nothing can truly stop us from achieving greatness. Overall, we are a resilient body of people getting ready to go into the next stage of our lives, and when we conquer the mountain of life, the view at the top will be breathtaking. Thank you all very much.

Layla Wiley

Good afternoon everyone my name is Layla Marie Wiley. Middle school has been a great 3 years for all of us. First off, the teachers that we had were amazing and they guided us through these last 3 years and we really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for their amazing teaching .I have been at this school for 9 years and every year I have been more and more excited to walk through those PCS doors. That excitement comes from seeing the faces of my peers and getting to bond and build new relationships with not only my peers but my teachers. When I stopped and really thought about it, we spent 8 hours a day, 5 days a week together pre-pandemic. So we aren’t just people who go to school together anymore we are family. One of the hardest things I will have to do in life is say goodbye to my PCS family. I still remember walking into that kindergarten classroom not wanting to leave my mom. Little did I know that this would be the best 9 years of my life. I would be able to face my biggest fear of heights at 5th grade camp, be able to see the beautiful state of Colorado and make friendships that will last a lifetime. I will never forget how much joy and happiness this school brought to all of its students and I will forever think of PCS as my second home .So last but not least I wish all of the teachers great school years to come and I wish the best highschool experience to all of my beloved peers. Thank you.

Marissa Jay

Hello PCS teachers, friends and family, Mrs. McV, Mrs. Bitner, Mrs. Anzalone and homebase, 

I’m going to be speaking today about PCS, my (I feel) second home. It has always and forever will be.  Even when I move on to high school.  I will always be a part of the PCS family, as will all of you.   I know that PCS has changed a lot of us.   Actually, no matter who you are or what you do as a hobby, I am sure your years at PCS have changed you in some sort of way.

I know for me, that since the day I started school here to the day I leave here I will always have a home here at PCS and I know that I will never forget my years here especially because you all may hear an occasional ¨meow¨ and yes that is Mr. Doyle trying to convince me that there is a cat somewhere in the building. And honestly, that has always put a smile on my face. So in a way, I thank you for those random, but funny moments.

Even tonight as we graduate, we will be both happy and nervous but we all know that PCS is good at nudging you out of your comfort zones to explore new places and new world around us.   Even during this COVID year, I never thought that I would have to spend my 8th grade year planning COVID safe parties like the one we had on Halloween, exploring new places in the school we didn’t even know we had, thanks to Mr. Doyle and the mystery tunnel that lies beneath the school. And maybe that is where the cat may be hiding. I never dreamed we would be planning a surprise virtual baby shower on Zoom for our awesome teacher and her husband Tim Tim and for little J.   But with PCS, anything is possible.  And we did that all this year! 

Another great memory I will take with me is making brand new COVID-Safe games like COVIDball.  (Thanks Mrs. Wright for approving our rules to play that).  Because PCS lets us extend our creativity, we could make it all happen.  We could never have been able to do it without PCS and the awesome teachers in it.

Teachers never get enough credit for how much hard work that they put into their students.  The work that they do to build community in our homebase helps us feel the big family that is PCS. And how could we ever forget the beginning of the day's touchstone: “Every day is a new day. I will believe and achieve.”

I know that I will miss all of you but I hope that because of all of your hard work, dedication, laughter, and maybe some tears we will all grow up to reach our goals! We would not have done it without the awesome PCS teachers, friends and family that we all have here.

Thank you.

Zainab Alhussainy 

I’d just like to start off by saying that I’ve made so many great memories in these four *special* years here at PCS. Each year gave me a new opportunity and a new experience.  There are so many simple things done at this school that make me feel proud to call myself a PCS graduate! One of those things, which is also my *favorite* thing - is multicultural fair! Not only do I get to share some of my country’s traditions with my classmates, but I also get to learn more about other cultures. So many unique cultures to explore here at Premier Charter School. It just grows my curiosity about different celebrations and traditional events and what they mean to my peers. The diversity here is one of a kind. I absolutely love that everyone feels included and supported, no matter who they are.

I’ve met so many amazing people, so many inspiring teachers, so many supporting friends…

It feels like an honor to have met all these wonderful people here, who’ve helped me become one of the best versions of myself. This school has taught me so many valuable lessons that will *most definitely* stick with me for the rest of my life. I’m just so incredibly grateful to have spent four unforgettable years at PCS, and it makes me quite upset knowing that this was my last year here. I’ll never forget the amazing teachers that made me look forward to going to school, nor my supportive classmates that were there for me when I needed them most. PCS is one big family, and I’m proud to be a part of it. I know for a fact that I’ll be coming back in the future to visit Premier Charter School. 100%!!!  :)Thank you to every single staff member; your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated!


I think these words sum up just how incredible PCS is! I am beyond grateful to be part of this wonderful community. I look forward to seeing you in August. Have a wonderful and safe summer.



314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org  


Elementary School Newsletter - May 24th, 2021


Elementary School Newsletter - May 17th, 2021