Elementary School Newsletter - March 29th, 2021

Dearest PCS Families,

Wow! Here we are at Quarter 4! Hard to believe that we are in our last part of this very unconventional school year. As we get closer to the end of this year, be sure to continue to encourage your child to finish the year out strong! We know everyone is tired and wearing thin of virtual learning, protocols, and separation so encouragement on a regular basis can help immensely. The goal is in sight but a good deal of learning is still to be had!

As a school team, we will continue to work hard to develop lessons and learning opportunities that are engaging and most importantly fun and relevant. Lots of breaks and outdoor learning will be had in order for students and adults alike to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather that is upon us. We all need a little more sunshine on our faces, breaks from masks and classrooms, or breaks from the space that have become home classrooms.

This week we again get to explore another awesome Project Based Learning (PBL) opportunity that was experienced by our 5th grade students. I was privileged to be able to sit on the panel and listen to the business pitches from a few of the 5th grade teams… and wow, what an awesome job they did! Such poise and confidence in front of a panel of the admin team.

Shark Tank - PCS Edition

From January - March, fifth grade students worked hard to answer a challenging question: How can we help raise money for the cost of 5th grade camp? In order to solve this problem, our students became entrepreneurs!

First, we learned from other entrepreneurs, examining how their businesses solved problems and made a profit. Our students then thought about their passions and talents and how they could use these to start their own small businesses right here at PCS. Working in teams, students created collaboration contracts and assigned roles; each business had a CEO, CFO and marketing manager. Next, students created financial plans for their businesses; they researched start-up costs, calculated loan principals and interest, and set retail prices based on unit cost and profit margins. Finally, business teams created marketing materials and pitch decks.

Our entrepreneurs practiced their presentations and pitched their businesses to classmates and a board of investors at PCS. There was a wide range of businesses - from coffee shops to school supply stores to a custom fidget boutique to an art gallery! We loved watching business teams work together, put their math skills to real-world use, and develop their presentation skills. Watch out - these fifth-graders have real potential as future entrepreneurs!

Check out one of the final presentations on “Shark Tank PCS Edition” - Coffee Cafe!

Wishing you well this week.




Announcements - Week of March 29th


Middle School Newsletter - March 29th, 2021