A colleague shared this amazing quote with me…

“Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on earth, for what they believe is what they will become.”

As you know by now, I started reflecting on how I speak to my daughter, Finnley. I certainly hope she would say that I make her feel this way, but I can’t be certain she would. I know that she has often told me that I only focus on what she does wrong or what she needs to “fix”. And while I certainly don’t agree, it doesn’t matter because this is how I have made her feel.

I wholeheartedly believe that when I am correcting her it is coming from a place of love and care. Clearly though, that is not always the message she is hearing from me. I think my intent sometimes gets lost in the way I speak to her. I stumbled across this simple article that lists 50 ways to speak to your child positively. The article mentions when parents speak positively to their child they are less likely to have to nag at them. I don’t doubt that this is absolutely true but when you are in that moment when your child still hasn’t cleaned their room or finished their homework it is hard to remain positive. 

I know that I need to remember how I use my words with Finnley so that I am lifting her up. As her mother, the person who loves her more than anyone else, my words should be a constant reminder of what a blessing she is...sass and all! I am going to make sure that everyday I shower her with an affirmation that reminds her just how incredible she is while also guiding her to make positive changes and choices in her life.

I tell our students all the time the most powerful tool they have is their words. They can use them to lift someone up or tear them down. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about how they choose to use their words. And please join me in reminding our children just how much we love them!



314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org   


This is an amazing opportunity for all educators. Trusted Adult training helps adults who work with youth to learn the key skills and practices that youth respond to—especially when they have things going on that an adult could help them handle. CHADS Coalition in partnership with the Rockwood School District is offering this free training virtually on Tuesday April 6th. It’s just one hour and well worth the time.

Register Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sd-mvpjkpHdTDViuDzNrEhHcWOubjX335

Cultural Fashion Show

Time to show off your culture!

We are interested in learning about traditional clothing from different cultures.

We invite anyone (adults and students) to participate in this year’s virtual cultural fashion show. We are asking for a video of you in your traditional clothing in a 10-15 second video that is recorded horizontally. You can send your video to me or, if you are in-person learning, I will schedule to come to take a video of you.

We would also love to have any adult teach about their culture. Displaying artifacts and/or pictures, teaching a traditional dance, demonstrating how to make a traditional food, and/or showing a short film are just a few ideas of how you could share your culture with others. These would be done in a video (again, please record it horizontally).

Please contact Mrs. Wagener if you are able to help.


  314-645-9600 ext 249

Video should be submitted by April, 30.


2021 Virtual Multicultural Fair, Connecting Our Stories!!

That's right, we're going to celebrate this favorite event virtually!

We are incredibly lucky to have such a diverse student body and we love to celebrate the many cultures that make up PCS each year during this event. This year we hope to have both live and recorded sessions so our students, in person and virtual, can all participate.

Right now we're looking to involve our families and community members in planning this year's event. If you're interested in being part of the planning, or you have contacts or ideas for live or recorded sessions, please email Christy Wohlgemuth at cwohlgemuth@premiercharterschool.org.




Announcements - Week of March 29th