Dearest PCS Families,

Wow!  It is hard to believe that summer is a little over 6 weeks away.  I would have never guessed in August that this school year would have flown by… but it absolutely has!  We know that there is a lot of concern with potential learning gaps after this crazy year that we all have endured.  Even though all have been working hard to ensure such loss is minimal or not at all, we do recognize that summer is a perfect time to continue learning and help close any gaps that may exist.

 We also emphatically know that students need summer to unwind and relax… especially after a year like this.  We are committed to having this built into our summer school sessions so students can attend school and summer camp at the same time!  We are blessed in having a huge campus with a ton of green space that allows for sport, gardening, crafts, music, outdoor learning, play, yoga, and quiet time in the shade of a tree!  While content learning will be a huge focus, so too will socialization and time with classmates outside the walls of our academic buildings.

 Last week, PCS summer school sign-up was opened to our students.   Below is the message included within the sign up that gives more details regarding our sessions this summer.  You will also find a link at the bottom of this message that will take you directly to the sign up form.  We ask that all interested families complete the sign up by THIS FRIDAY, April 23.

  Premier Charter School is excited to offer IN-PERSON summer school this year. Summer school will be open to current 2020-2021 PK-7th grade students. New this year, we will offer 2 separate sessions. The first session will run from WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd through FRIDAY, JUNE 25th. The second session will run from WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th through FRIDAY, JULY 23rd. Students may sign up for one or both sessions. The school day will begin at 8:30 am and end at 3:00 pm. After Care will be offered this summer and will run from 3:00-4:30 pm. Morning drop off begins at 8:20 am. There will be NO Before Care offered.

  The summer school program will focus on remedial and enrichment activities, primarily targeting English Language Arts and Math. Outdoor education will play a large role in learning as students will be involved with our school garden and take advantage of the summer weather to be outside exploring and learning. Part of each day will also see students participating in camp-like activities (that include extracurricular activities, sports, crafts, etc) and outdoor play. In addition to an enriching academic curriculum, we will be instilling our nationally acclaimed Character Education component into our daily routine.

  If you are interested in having your child participate this summer, please complete all of the sections below by FRIDAY, APRIL 23rd. Please send one form per family and include all of the information requested. Confirmation on your acceptance status should be sent home around the beginning of May. Information regarding your child's summer school teacher and room number will arrive in May.

  The goal is to make availability for all interested families. Protocols and mitigation strategies will continue to be in place in order to help assure the health safety of our students and team.


Link for summer school sign-up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7gy7zaFY6OQGBbnoNWX5kjtl5alZ6h0hs41pRyFxSZBfuyw/viewform?usp=sf_link 


Wishing all of you a glorious week … even with the burst of winter weather that may be rearing its head in the days to come!

As always, if you have a question, need to discuss a matter, or need a simple check in… my door is always open.  Feel free to contact me via phone or email!

p: 314.645.9600 x608 e:dleesman@premiercharterschool.org




Middle School Newsletter - April 26th, 2021
