April 12

I can vividly remember leading a team meeting right before school was going to start in August. During this meeting, we were all STILL trying to figure out how we were going to effectively teach our students during this pandemic (which we then realized wasn’t going away anytime soon). As we were solidifying our plans I looked at my computer screen and looking back at me were 34 faces full of disbelief, concern, and wonder. I remember thinking this is a big moment and I can either screw it up or nail it. So I looked at each one of them and started acknowledging their concerns by naming them one by one. I then paused for a moment and said, “Each one of you will achieve greatness this year...even in the middle of a pandemic”. 

Now a bold statement like that could have really backfired on me but it didn’t and this is why. The middle school team is the most dedicated and loving group of individuals I have ever met. Regardless of how difficult the circumstances are, I knew they would do whatever it takes to ensure that our students receive the very best education.

We are now six and a half short weeks away from the end of our school year and just as I had predicted this year has been full of greatness.  There is no one greater to share these achievements with you other than the teachers themselves. I hope you can feel the love, joy, and pride that I have felt all year long.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 



314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org   

Achieving greatness during a pandemic.

Mrs. Rose~6th Grade

This year has been a great first year at PCS. Even though kids have been at home, we have been able to foster a class community that is very strong and tight-knit. We have had movie nights, snack times, craft nights, and just times to talk. Students have helped each other through projects, feeling lonely, and the frustrations of Zoom. Our class has also been able to succeed academically as well. More than half grew on their iReady data which shows the dedication they are putting towards their studies in the hardest times for learning. They have cheered me on when I started grad school and always been there to make me laugh when I was tired of Zoom classes. The students at Premier have reinvigorated my love for teaching and I am so proud of them! 

Ms.Schuth~6th Grade

This year has been full of challenges but I have also seen so much growth. I have loved getting to work with a smaller group of kids teaching multiple subjects. The kids have done such an incredible job stepping up and accepting more responsibility. I have been so impressed with the kids and their ability to learn via Zoom. We have gotten to try some new projects this year and the kids have created some wonderful work. As hard as this year has been, my class is the reason I have still truly loved my job. They have been so positive and supportive of one another and me it has been such an incredible experience. 

McAdams-Velton~8th Grade

I was sifting through my year trying to think about where to begin; we have had so many positives, so what do I share? Then my students threw another shining moment my way. On one afternoon this week, they threw a surprise virtual baby shower for me and my growing family. There were cards, gifts, games, and so many thoughtful words. They even invited my husband and had a whole section for advice for him-- you are all raising very wise kids by the way ;).

 People have worried about kids making connections this year and falling behind, but in these moments, it is clear to me that these kids are simply overcoming and creating new ways to celebrate and bond. This baby shower was just like ones that you may have been to in the past with giggles and side conversations and predictions about the baby on the way, but what made it unique was that it was planned and executed by teenagers- teenagers that still value the connections with their teachers, classmates, and school community.

This may not have been the year we expected, but it certainly has been memorable for me and my 8th grade crew.

Mr.Lydon~PE and Pathways 

What a year it has been. Not only have the students endured a ton of changes along with the staff. This was my first year back in the classroom after seven years. I am not someone who is great with technology. So like some of you parents and your kids, I have had to make a lot of changes and do a lot of learning this year as well. These kids have taught me a ton with Zoom and helped me in more ways than I know. One of the best things that came out of this year was being able to teach soccer through a soccer pathways class. Even though this class was all virtual, we still had a ton of fun learning about the history of soccer, coming up with ways to improve the sport, and learning some key moves. I thought I had some good relationships with my students prior to this year, but having small classes and interacting with them on a one-on-one basis,has allowed me to build upon those relationships. I was also able to build new relationships with students in my PE classes as well. The smaller in-person class and resource rooms gave me the ability to make my schedule flexible so that I could have small groups and one-on-one time with our middle school students. Even though this pandemic has brought out a lot of negatives in the world, these highlights of the school year will be ones that I always cherish and remember. 


Hey, Mr. Book here! So this year has been... well... interesting to say the least. With Virtual learning as our primary means for instruction, the Pathways department has had to get very creative to still be able to deliver quality supplemental education in this strange time for everyone. 

As with most teachers, we were not trained in college for this type of scenario. None of us took classes on how to keep engagement and high academic standards during pandemics (obviously!) so for each of us, we have had to do our best to maintain strong academic rigor alongside the excitement and creativity of pathways curriculum.

I can say with certainty that we have been very successful in our efforts! In my case, I have had to shift my instruction from a hands-on style classroom to one that is, in all cases, virtual. In doing so, we have had a strong focus on technology and more specifically 3D Design and Printing to accomplish our goals of learning about the Engineering Design Cycle and how to solve problems in a creative and unique way.

The students have certainly risen to the occasion! Not only have we been able to maintain the excitement of "hands-on learning", but the academic rigor has also been met with flying colors. We spent the first portion of the year learning about the Engineering Design Cycle and did some practice scenarios following that structure and we have now (as of Q3) begun a large-scale project where students take real-world problems and design "Functional 3D Prints" to solve those problems. Though this doesn't allow for the choice as to how they'd like to solve the problem (i.e. they are limited to 3D Design and Printing), each student has come up with very unique problems and very creative 3D models to solve those problems!

As of now, students are beginning to receive their 3D prints and are in the "testing phase" where they take their prototypes and see to what degree they solve their problems. Projects have ranged from figuring out a way to keep their cables and materials from getting tangled to creating a radio antenna that will communicate with satellites and receive real-time images of the spinning earth! No matter what the problem is, students have done a phenomenal job using the Engineering Design Cycle to solve these problems while wearing their own "Engineering Hats" to put a unique spin on their Functional 3D Print.

I have been so impressed with our students' ability to cope with this strange structure and, as I said, have risen to the occasion with flying colors! As usual, I am so happy to see how well our students have adapted to their surroundings and have made us all PCS Proud!

Mrs.More~6th Grade

It's easy to talk about how hard this school year has been - for teachers, for students, and for parents.  But for me, it's also easy to talk about how great this year has been.  This year I have seen tremendous growth in my students, in ways that would have not happened without these unusual circumstances.  They have grown in their independence and confidence as learners. They have learned self-advocacy and time-management, skills that will serve them a lifetime.  They have also been able to produce some fantastic projects.  My students are masters in the digital realm - creating podcasts, slideshows, graphic organizers, videos, and brochures.  As a teacher, I have had to get creative in finding ways for my students to show their learning. As learners, they have risen to the challenge and proven their mastery!

Mrs. Batson~7th Grade

In the everyday fast-paced environment of a middle school classroom pre-pandemic, the minutes chase you, and the bell over the speaker cuts the teacher and students’ final thoughts short. The hallways flood and there is little time to simply sit and talk with one another to learn the individual stories that makeup PCS. While the everyday environment of a middle school virtual classroom carries its many challenges and barriers, teachers and students alike have been given this missed opportunity of time and storytelling. The slowed-down genuine conversations between students, and teacher to students, have found the room, and a deeper level of understanding has grown. I may not recognize my students’ handwriting or favorite pair of shoes to wear this year, but I have had the privilege to recognize their stories of joy, pain, pride, and excellence, and for that, I am grateful. 


