I think we can all agree that the current circumstances have been extremely difficult on everyone. During difficult times it is very easy to focus on all the struggles and lose sight of any successes. I could share data that confirms that virtual learning isn’t effective for a variety of reasons for most students. However, I think we all need to stop for a moment and acknowledge all of the extraordinary accomplishments of our children. 

One of our middle school teachers, Mrs. McAdams-Velten, shared the following post on her Instagram account:

But seriously…

Everyone worried about kids falling behind, stop. They are building skills that we never had, skills that we are still working on. They are the most resilient, flexible, patient and understanding generation. This challenge is one that they are meeting and overcoming. I could not be more impressed with today’s youth. (And a shout out to the grown ups that keep encouraging and motivating, I know it’s hard, I see you too).

As I often do, I “liked” the post and moved on. Later I found myself thinking about the resounding message in her post. A message that is full of positivity and acknowledgment. It was then that I stopped and truly reflected on our kids’ successes. During this time I was overwhelmed with feelings of pride. 

Our middle school students have been learning virtually for 8+ months and the majority of them haven’t been in the building since March 2020. However, they continue to log into Zoom every day and many students do this while caring for their younger siblings. They are meeting the high expectations of their teachers by producing exemplary work. They have shown all of us,  and themselves, that they are organized, creative, dedicated, and resilient. They are not only juggling their schoolwork but also the impact this pandemic has had on their emotional well being. 

Please take a moment to tell your children how proud you are of them.  Let them know that the possibilities for their future are endless. We need to acknowledge that they are faced with challenges that we didn’t have to navigate through when we were their age. And most importantly, we must never let them feel like they are on this journey alone. Together,  we can continue to give our children all the love and support they so desperately need and deserve.

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. 



314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org   

Winter Weather Update...

As we continue to push through the last of the winter months, there is always a chance that we may have to move to our virtual learning platform from time to time instead of canceling school because of temperature or poor weather conditions. With the forecast for potentially dangerous temperatures this week, we just want to make sure that all families are aware of this option.  Staff will make sure that all needed technology and parent communication will be sent home ahead of time to have all students prepared for this learning.

Black Rep Performances Watch today's performance before it's too late!

Elementary School students were able to enjoy "The Incredible Jungle Journey of Fenda Maria" virtually on Tuesday. On Thursday many were able to visit with cast members on zoom and ask questions about the performance. We did have some technical issues and I apologize to anyone in the PCS community who was unable to participate because of them! We are trying to schedule another Q&A session for those who missed out!

Our Middle School students have been watching "Freedom Songs" on Thursday and Friday, Feb. 4th and 5th. You have an opportunity to view this performance as well today (Friday 2/5) only. Here is the link:



World Read Aloud Daywas Wednesday, February 3rd. The PCS library has been celebrating with author visits to some of our Kindergarten, 1st , 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 8th grade classes. We are also assembling a collection of read aloud videos by PCS teachers and administrators for Black History Month. Here are some ways you can celebrate WRAD at home:

Find a WRAD playlist at Storyline Online

Listen to the Story Seeds Podcast

Visit the WRAD website to find WRAD swag and activities

You can listen to Black History Month Read-Alouds from teachers and staff here.

Saint Louis Public Library Spring Camps

SLPL is offering camps for children aged 3-15 starting March 2nd. Online registration opens Monday, Feb 1 at 12 pm at slpl.jumbula.com and closes one week prior to the start of each camp.

Spaces fill up quickly! You can see the camp sessions here!


(Virtual) Career Day at PCS!
