Elementary School Newsletter


February 15, 2019

Dearest PCS families,

Unfortunately this week and last week, student and team members alike have been hit hard with the various β€œbugs” floating around and making many at PCS feel pretty miserable! Below is a note from Nurse Gerwitz about good practices to stay healthy as well as reminders of our guidelines of when students may return back to school after being sick. Our custodial staff has also been putting in some extra time and elbow grease to clean to make sure we are doing all we can to help prevent the spread of any germs.

From Nurse Gerwitz…

Recently, PCS has been experiencing absences due to Influenza A infections. Flu symptoms can include:  fever, chills, headache, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion, muscle aches, fatique, and vomiting & diarrhea.  Not every one who is diagnosed with the flu will experience all of these symptoms.

Flu viruses are the cause of various types of flu.  These viruses can enter your body through your mouth, nose, or eyes.  Every time you touch your hand to one of these areas, you potentially infect yourself with flu virus.
Influenza A virus constantly changes which is why flu vaccines are given yearly.  The flu spreads by people who are already infected, so it is important to avoid contact with sick people and while sick, limit contact with others.  If your child is sick, they should stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of fever reducing medicine.  Teach your child to cover their nose & mouth with a tissue when they cough or sneeze, throw the tissue away, and wash hands properly with soap and water.  Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminiated with influenza virus.

For more complete information regarding the flu see the following: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/consumer/symptoms.htm

Enjoy the snow this week… Spring is coming hopefully sooner rather than later!

Dana Leesman, Elementary Principal 

p: 314.645.9600 x608             e: dleesman@premiercharterschool.org #ThatsPCS #DoKind

PCS Annual Field Day…

Please see the attached note from Mrs. Brann regarding Field Day and ordering Field Day t-shirts. Deadline for ordering is coming up quick… February 20, so do not delay!

Vending Machine

Thanks to the hard work of three 8th grade boys we have our new vending machine! We have made sure that the machine is filled with healthy snack options. Students may make purchases from 8:10-8:25 and from 3:25-3:35 daily. It is located in the Middle School cafeteria.

Book Fair

Our Spring Book Fair is coming March 19th after school and March 20th and 21st during conferences. Details to be announced!  Mrs. Ramsey is looking for volunteers to help with set up, breakdown, sales, advertising, and special events. Contact her at vramsey@premiercharterschool.org. See you at the Book Fair!

Elementary Coffee & Conversation…

Our latest Coffee & Conversation was a success and we thank all the parents who attended for coming and chatting. Always great to get to talk to parents in more of a relaxed atmosphere and answer any questions that they may be wondering about. Be on the lookout for the next one coming sometime after Spring Break!


From the Elementary Counselors…

See the attached newsletter from our Elementary Counselors, Ms. Paige Jackson and Ms. Ariel Boulicault. Great information on what the counselors are working on while in the students’ classrooms as well as various resources!

PCS Lottery…

Does your current student have a sibling who wants to come to PCS?  Do you have a family member, friend, or neighbor who has a child ready for school?

It is that time of year again…Pre-Kindergarten thru 8th Grade applications for new students in the 2019-2020 lottery are now open!

Families can apply today through Schoolmint.  If you do not already have a Schoolmint account, begin by going to premiercharterschool.schoolmint.net and create a secure account with a username and password.  From there, you can fill out an application for your student for the grade they will be going in to next year.

Our first-round new student lotteries will be held on the following dates:

  • Kindergarten: February 1, 2019

  • Pre-Kindergarten: February 25, 2019

  • 1st – 8th Grade: April 1, 2019

Should you have any questions regarding your student’s application, your Schoolmint account, or the lottery, please feel free to contact PCS admissions at admissions@premiercharterschool.org.

Donations Needed...

Elementary Art is looking for donations of fabric, yarn, and thread as students will be learning how to weave and sew when they return from Thanksgiving break! If you have any expertise in these areas and would like to visit our art classroom as a guest teacher, please reach out to Mrs. Nilsen at dnilsen@premiercharterschool.org.

Please also feel free to continue donating smaller recyclable items - especially plastic bottle caps, paper towel tubes, and corks! We really appreciate it!


Fundraising Opportunity…

Please see attached flyer for a Martial Arts Fundraiser
$49 will give the students 4 weeks (8 lessons)
100% of all money raised will go back to PCS

This is valid for both elementary and middle schools.
Contact Shelby Ford at Karate Life Studios, 314-352-6166


SFE Update…

Please stay tuned.

After School Opportunities...

  • More coming soon!


BAC Reminders…

As the weather starts to turn colder we want to take a minute to remind everyone of our morning drop off and Before Care procedures.  All students must be walked into the building and signed in at the office if they are dropped off prior to 8:00 am. If any student is at PCS prior to 8:00 am, we will bring them to before care and will charge the regular $5 drop in fee. In order to maintain a safe student/adult ratio and ensure we have adequate staffing in our BAC program, students are only allowed 5 drop ins over the course of the school year. The safety of our children is our highest priority and we thank you for your adherence to these procedures.  

Students are only allowed 5 drop-ins for Before care and 5 drop-ins for Aftercare per year. The Before care drop-in fee is $5 and Aftercare drop-in fee is $15 per student. For any questions regarding our Before care or Aftercare program please contact Mr. Lydon at jlydon@premiercharterschool.org.

PCG News & Happenings...

  • Upcoming events:

    • It is time to start thinking about getting your group ready for our Annual Trivia Night. This is night you don’t want to miss out on. We are looking for donations for our silent auction as well as volunteers to help run the event. Please see the attached flyer for more information or email Terry Brogan at tbrogan@lashlybaer.com or Lisa Simon at lrsieve@yahoo.com.

  • The PCG is a support group for the students, teachers, and parents of Premier Charter School. Parent volunteers promote social and extracurricular activities, which will lead to successful and positive experiences for the students. We want to welcome you and encourage all parents to become involved in PCS. The best way to become involved is to volunteer or help out in any way you can and you can do this through PCG. Please take a look at the attached letter and PCG events for the year.

  • If you would like to be on the PCG parent email group, send your email address to Terry Brogan (tbrogan@lashlybaer.com). You will receive updates on upcoming events, etc.  Please take a moment to like the PCG parent Facebook page if you are on FB.

  • If you have Box Tops at home, be sure to collect and sent them in for additional fundraising opportunities for the school.  There is a collection box located in the Elementary Building.

Fun in the StL...

Friday Feb 1  4-7 p.m. Free Kid Fit Kid Free Admission on First Fridays at The Magic House in Kirkwood: Chinese Dancing. Reservations required on the following website:https://www.magichouse.org/events-programs/events/

Saturday Feb 2 10 a.m- 3 p.m. Winter In the Woods Festival featuring Maple Sugaring

Rockwood Reservation  2751 Glencoe Road in Wildwood, MO; Free admission & free parking, No reservations needed but check website for parking/shuttle bus instructions https://www.stlsprout.com/calendar/todays-events/eventdetail/161396/-/winter-in-the-woods-festival-featuring-maple-sugar

Saturday, Feb 2  Various Times Take Your Child to the Library Day at various St. Louis County Branch Libraries

A variety of activities are scheduled for children and parents at various county branches.  While you are there you can also learn about exciting new programs available at the branches such as borrow a telescope, borrow a musical instrument, or sign up to  become a teen reading buddy or get yourself a reading buddy.

Saturday, Feb 2  8:30- 2 p.m. (and throughout February) Bald Eagle Days at Pere Marquette Park in Grafton, IL

A site interpretter will present an program on bald eagles.  Visitors will distinguish juvenile and mature eagles, learn what eagles, eat, why they migrate to the midwest and more.  Reservations required by calling 618- 786-3323.  You will drive to an observation are. Please dress warmly and have a full tank of gas.


Sat Feb 16 10-11a.m. Winter Wonder Walk in Emmenegger Park in Kirkwood

Spending time in nature has been shown to have positive effects on physical, mental and emotional health.  Dress for the weather and enjoy a guided hike in the woods.  Free but registration required:


Sat Feb 16  10-11:30 a.m. Blue's Kids Boogie  12- 1 p.m. Black History Jam at the National Blues Museum  615 Washington Avenue

Celebrate Black History month with free admission this Saturday to the National Blues (the music, not the hockey team) Museum and Boogie & Jam!


Fri Feb 22 7-8:30 p.m. St. Louis Lake Fishing Hotspots at Powder Valley Nature Center

Did you know that within a 1 hour drive from the Arch, there are over 80 public lakes and over 1200 acres of water open to the public for fishing?  Learn about these fishing hotspots with biologist Kevin Meneau who will present all the info you need about STL fishing lakes, what to fish for & special events occuring in 2019 with the STL Urban Fishing Program. Register at 1-888-283-0364 

Sat Feb 23  11a.m. to Noon  Brentwood Community Center  2505 S. Brentwood 

Circus Kaput Show:  Sword Swallowing

It's National Sword Swallower Day and to celebrate Circus Kaput's OMG Josh performs his circus show for free.  


Now extended through March 24, 2019: Panoramas of the City at the the Missouri History Museum

Panoramic photos of St. Louis as large as 10 feet x 30 feet taken from 1900 to 1950 tell the history of St. Louis is the first half of the 20th century.

Exhibit date has been extended through March 24, 2019.  http://mohistory.org/exhibits/panoramas-of-the-city/

Through June 2, 2019: Muny Memories at the Missouri History Museum

The nations oldest outdoor theater celebrates its 100th birthday.  Learn about past performances, take a peek backstage, vote for your favorite star, & learn a dance step at the free ongoing exhibit now through next June. http://mohistory.org/exhibits/muny-memories/

Upcoming Important Dates...

  • 2.15.19: No School - Professional Development Day

  • 2.18.19: No School - President’s Day

  • 2.20.19: Field Day T-Shirt Order Due

  • 2.22.19: Yearbook Order Due

  • 3.20-21.19: Quarter 3 Conferences

  • 3.23.19: PCG Trivia Night

  • 3.25-29.19: No School - Spring Break


Be sure to check us out on social media... Twitter, Facebook, Instagram!  All teachers & classrooms have accounts where you can check out pictures and happenings.