Middle School Newsletter 


February 22, 2019

A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with the principal from a local high school about an 8th grader who was in the interview process for his school. During this conversation, he went on to rave about all of the former PCS students who attend his school. He said that not only are they academically driven and hardworking but they also display incredible character. This conversation isn’t a one off either.  Our students are highly recruited by many of the area local public and private high schools due to the exemplary reputation PCS has built.

This week every grade level went on a field trip. I not only heard from teachers but also from community members just how incredible our students are...once again! Here a few highlights from those experiences:

7th grade had the opportunity to visit the courthouse and participate in a mock trial. After many hours practicing their roles in the trial, they all showed up to school on Tuesday in their professional dress ready to make the most of this experience. Our kids asked excellent questions, shook the judge’s hand to thank him, and one said, “Thank you for taking your time to inspire us.”  One of the teachers spoke to the judge at the end of the trip to thank him and he said that he was thoroughly impressed with the professionalism and preparedness of our students that day.  He very much enjoyed his time with Premier overall.

Our 8th graders had a hands on dissection experience at SLU. Now, in full disclosure, there was a lecture that was a bit dry and lengthy but this is where our kids shined. They were attentive and listened respectfully. One of the doctors even thanked our teachers for the level of respect the kids displayed during this part of the field experience. During the hands on portion, where they were dissecting brains, they handled all the instruments respectfully and took their jobs very seriously.

Yesterday our 6th graders showed up to school dressed in their very best for their trip to the symphony. It was evident how excited they were about this experience as they were chatting amongst themselves in the pod. When they got back, the teachers shared stories of how the kids carried themselves in such a respectful manner throughout the trip. The students thoroughly enjoyed the cultural representations shared through the music as well as taking in the beauty of Powell Symphony Hall.

These examples are from just one week! I could go on and on after 20 years at PCS about just how incredible our kids are but I am not telling you anything you don’t already know. Make sure to take a look at the photos at the bottom of this newsletter. And thank you for sharing your children with us everyday.



314.645.9600 (607)~kwright@premiercharterschool.org  


A note from the registrar....

Dear Families,

It is that time of year again, we are starting our re-enrollment process. If you are new to this process, this is how we determine if students will be returning to PCS next school year. Turning the completed form in, lets us know how many openings we will have per grade level for our school wide lottery in April. Teachers were all given Re-Enrollment Forms to pass out to students this week. Families can also submit a form online instead, to make the process easier https://goo.gl/forms/6HH3h38jF2oDRaNm2 .

Families are required to submit one form per student. All forms (either "Yes coming back" or "No not returning") are due back no later than March 21st. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Katie Lydon klydon@premiercharterschool.org or Erin O'Brien eobrien@premiercharterschool.org

Walk For Hope T-Shirt Design

Please see the attached flyer about our Walk for Hope t-shirt design opportunity. This is open to all students K-8. 

Vending Machine

Thanks to the hard work of three 8th grade boys we have our new vending machine! We have made sure that the machine is filled with healthy snack options. Students may make purchases from 8:10-8:25, during lunch and from 3:25-3:35 daily.

Book Fair

Our Spring Book Fair is coming March 19th after school and March 20th and 21st during conferences. Details to be announced!  Mrs. Ramsey is looking for volunteers to help with set up, breakdown, sales, advertising, and special events. Contact her at vramsey@premiercharterschool.org. See you at the Book Fair!

3rd Annual Xpress Yourself Spoken Word Poetry Night

PCS community,

You're invited to the 3rd Annual Xpress Yourself Spoken Word Poetry Night with special guest poet Corey Black on Thursday, February 28th from 6:00 - 7:30. Let's support our budding writers and celebrate black history month. All participating students need to attend 2 rehearsals prior to the performance. Students must attend a dress rehearsal from 3:30 - 4:30 on the 28th, and arrive no later than 5:45 to prepare for the performance. Contact Mrs. Daugherty for questions or concerns at ndaugherty@premiercharterschool.org.

6th Grade…

Dear 6th Grade Parents/Guardians,

As we enter the second semester of the year, we want to be able to help students stay healthy and find success! One easy way to help this is by having plenty of pencils, hand sanitizer, and Clorox Wipes! If you and your family are able to send in any of these items, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your support of our students!

6th-grade team,

Emily O'Brien, Stacia Berwick, Erin Deason, Stan Graczyk, and Don Orelup

7th Grade..

7th grade is in need of Kleenex, paper towels and Clorox wipes. Any donations would be greatly appreciated! 

8th Grade ELA…

Students will soon begin book clubs. In these groups, our 8th graders will have a chance to exercise responsibility and independence as they set their own reading schedules and goals. Keeping up with the reading is essential to their success in this unit. It's also a great time for them to prepare for the challenges of high school while still surrounded by support. Please check with your child a few times a week about their reading, even ask to see their reading calendars to make sure they're on pace! Reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions. We're excited to start this new unit!


Does your current student have a sibling who wants to come to PCS?  Do you have a family member, friend, or neighbor who has a child ready for school?

It is that time of year again…Pre-Kindergarten thru 8th Grade applications for new students in the 2019-2020 lottery are now open!

Families can apply today through Schoolmint.  If you do not already have a Schoolmint account, begin by going to premiercharterschool.schoolmint.net and create a secure account with a username and password.  From there, you can fill out an application for your student for the grade they will be going in to next year.

Our first-round new student lotteries will be held on the following dates:

  • Kindergarten: February 1, 2019

  • Pre-Kindergarten: February 25, 2019

  • 1st – 8th Grade: April 1, 2019

Should you have any questions regarding your student’s application, your Schoolmint account, or the lottery, please feel free to contact PCS admissions at admissions@premiercharterschool.org.

Safety Awareness…

As it starts getting dark earlier and we are reminded of situations as we watch the news, please have a conversation with your child about being aware of what is going on around them as they walk home from school. If your child has permission to walk to the park, YMCA or QT etc. please remind them not to accept a ride or engage with any strangers. While we are sure you have already had these conversations with your child we want to reiterate the importance so that your child can continue to make smart decision for themselves.

We want to remind you that PCS has safety structures in place if we were ever to be in a lockdown situation because of an outside threat.  Please rest assured that we understand communication in these situations are of utmost importance. Parents will be notified through the automated school system; calls texts and emails.  We have a very good relationship with the police department down the street and if we hear of or are made aware of a situation where lockdown might be a possibility, we will be in contact with district 2. They will be able to provide accurate details of the situation and from there we can receive their recommendation on our course of action.  At all times, student safety is on our minds and we will always communicate with what you need to know. As always please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Dress Down…

On the last Monday of the month any student who has earned 80% or higher on their homework completion grade may dress down. Students can check their grade on Infinite Campus to ensure that they have indeed earned this privilege. Please remember  that all clothing must be school appropriate.

Message from the Nurse…

Recently, PCS has been experiencing absences due to Influenza A infections.

Flu symptoms can include:  fever, chills, headache, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion, muscle aches, fatigue, and vomiting & diarrhea.  Not every one who is diagnosed with the flu will experience all of these symptoms.

Flu viruses are the cause of various types of flu.  These viruses can enter your body through your mouth, nose, or eyes.  Every time you touch your hand to one of these areas, you potentially infect yourself with flu virus.

Influenza A virus constantly changes which is why flu vaccines are given yearly.  The flu spreads by people who are already infected, so it is important to avoid contact with sick people and while sick, limit contact with others.  If your child is sick, they should stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever is gone without the use of fever reducing medicine. Teach your child to cover their nose & mouth with a tissue when they cough or sneeze, throw the tissue away, and wash hands properly with soap and water.  Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth. Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with influenza virus.

For more complete information regarding the flu see the following: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/consumer/symptoms.htm

Please see the attached flyer for 7th grade families regarding required vaccinations prior to starting 8th grade.


Math Opportunity…

Cor Jesu Academy is hosting their annual “Middle School Math Contest” for ​6th and 7th grade girls on ​Saturday, March 2, 2019​. We would love to invite students to participate in this fun event! There will be a team test as well as an individual test. Awards will be given for first, second, and third place in the team tests as well as first, second, and third place 6th grade and 7th grade individual tests. Each team will consist of four students.


6th Grade…

In 6th Grade ELA, students have been working to research their own "rule to live by." They will then write either an open letter or a speech to present their findings! In Lit Lab, we have just finished writing our own poetry. Some students are getting ready to present their poetry at the poetry slam on the 28th! Good Luck!

7th Grade…

Should daily screentime be limited or expanded for teenagers?

Students will begin to measure the pros and cons of both sides in ELA class as we kickstart our newest non-fiction unit. Major objectives will include navigating high-level, non-fiction text, but with an intriguing topic— brain science and the positive and negative effects of video games!

8th Grade...

Books clubs have begun! Your child worked collaboratively with a group to determine how much they would read each night; they set their own schedules and determined their reading rates. Because they made the schedule, they essentially planned their own homework. This is so empowering for them, and it really helps them to develop time management skills. However, we need to keep in mind that they are still 8th graders, and we are asking that parents help encourage and remind them to keep up with their reading and work. Setting a homework routine can be so helpful. It could also be powerful if you were to read alongside your child. Ask Ms. McAdams, Mrs. Polizzi, or your local library if you'd like a copy of the novel.

Math Department…

Here is your Math Department problem of the week! 


Explorations Academy…

Are you strong enough to be a babysitter? Our explorers are exercising their leadership muscles for our newest unit on child development. This week, they've been testing their knowledge of basic child safety and stages of development. Next week, explorers will continue to learn what it takes to provide excellent child care while authoring their very own children's book! Explorers are looking forward to reading their self-published books to our Pre-K and Kindergarten buddies in the ECE building.


This week, the students have been taking their assessment on their C and D guitar chords and learning more strumming patterns. They have also been picking out songs to practice on their own. How fun to see the students move from learning how to hold and place their fingers on the guitars to actually making music!


  • Girls on Fire:

Girls on Fire is seeking professional women to participate in our 5th Annual Networking Event on Tuesday, April 16th from 5:30 - 6:30. This event provides an opportunity for the girls to practice networking skills while receiving advice and learning more about various career paths. See the attached flyer for details. Email Mrs. Daugherty at ndaugherty@premiercharterschool.org for more information.


  • Girls Basketball:

  • Cheerleading:

Cheerleading practice will continue on Wednesdays and Thursdays after school


Middle School Trip…

Pick up for the MS Trip Popcorn Fundraiser is Thursday, February 28th from 3:30-5:30 and Friday, March 1st from 3:30-4:30 in the MS Building, room 435. Please contact Ms. Slattery if you have any questions.

If you have any questions regarding the trip please email Ms. Rhine, mrhine@premiercharterschool.org. If you have specific payment questions please contact Denise Matthews at AST, (877) 397-5700. When calling please tell the AST representative that you are with the Premier Charter School group.

BAC Update…

Dear PCS Families,

As the weather starts to turn colder we want to take a minute to remind everyone of our morning drop off and Before Care procedures.  All students must be walked into the building and signed in at the office if they are dropped off prior to 8:00 am. If any student is at PCS prior to 8:00 am, we will bring them to before care and will charge the regular $5 drop in fee. In order to maintain a safe student/adult ratio and ensure we have adequate staffing in our BAC program, students are only allowed 5 drop ins over the course of the school year. The safety of our children is our highest priority and we thank you for your adherence to these procedures.  

PCG Update…

 It is time to start thinking about getting your group ready for our Annual Trivia Night. This is night you don’t want to miss out on. We are looking for donations for our silent auction as well as volunteers to help run the event. Please see the attached flyer for more information or email Terry Brogan at tbrogan@lashlybaer.com or Lisa Simon at lrsieve@yahoo.com.

Fun Around Town…

Important Upcoming Dates

2.22.19-Yearbook Order Due

2.28.19-Poetry Slam 6-7:30

3.8.19-MS Dance

3.20 & 21.19-Conferences

3.22-29.19-Spring Break

3.23.19-PCS Trivia Night

4.8-12.19-8th Grade MAP Testing

4.15-16.19-6th Grade MAP Testing

4.17-18-19-7th Grade MAP Testing

4.27.19-Family Night at Panda Express

4.28-5.3.19-MS Trip

5.3.19-MC Fair

5.10.19-Field Day

Included Attachments

  • Panda Express Flyer

  • Poetry Slam Flyer

  • Basketball Schedule

  • February Lunch Menu

  • Girls on Fire Flyer

  • Vaccinations Flyer for 7th Grade Families

  • Walk for Hope T Shirt Flyer

  • Trivia Night Flyer

  • Math Information Flyer